January 24, 2019. 1:30 pm
WOMEN INSPIRED TV - Ep 84 Reclaim you Power

Join me with Linda Ugelow where I will be talking about the importance of reclaiming your power. I will talk about:
Why putting everyone elses' needs first gives your power away.
The physical and emotional impact of not reclaiming your power
How to reclaim your power and integrate it into your daily routine.

February 6, 2019. 7pm - 8:30pm
HOW TO RECLAIM YOUR POWER - Online Group Workshop

Are you overwhelmed trying to juggle multiple priorities and have no time for yourself?
Does it feel like you have to put everyone else's needs before your own?
Does it feel selfish to try to incorporate ME time into your daily routine?
All of these are caused by unhealthy behaviors that give your power away and drain you on a constant basis.
Through this 90min hands-on online workshop, I will provide you with a series of tools and strategies to help you reclaim your power so that you can find a healthier balance between yourself and the ones you love.
By the end of this workshop you will:
start shifting your mindset to gain clarity in your life,
understand how to rebalance your routine to include self-care,
feel energized and empowered to help yourself and those you love, and
find a healthy way to prioritize your needs.
To ensure that this is a highly effective hands-on workshop there is only space for 4 women, so reserve your spot quickly before it fills up.
Online Workshop / Taller en Línea
Available in English / Disponible en Español
February 20, 2019. 7pm - 8:30pm

Febrero ya llego y antes de que nos demos cuenta la Primavera estará aquí, y yo te pregunto:
- Como vas con tus resoluciones de año nuevo?
- Has establecido objetivos claros personales y/o profesionales para 2019?
- Tienes un plan claro sobre como cumplir tus objetivos y resoluciones?
Si la respuesta es no a cualquiera de estas preguntas, y deseas que este año sea diferente a los anteriores, entonces este taller es perfecto para ti.
Durante este taller en línea de 90 min, tu podrás:
- Aprender técnicas para crear objetivos poderosos.
- Establecer un plan de acción claro
- Identificar hábitos y actividades claras que te ayudaran a lograr tus objetivos.
Al terminar este taller en línea tendrás las herramientas y estrategias necesarias para crear objetivos claros que te motivaran, empoderaran y guiarán por un camino claro hacia tu éxito.
No permitas que pase otro año en donde tus objetivos y sueños sigan siendo tan solo un deseo.
El espacio es limitado así que reserva pronto tu lugar
If time goes by and you feel like your goals and dreams keep passing you by, then this workshop is right for you. Through this 60min hands-on online workshop, you will learn techniques for creating empowering goals so they become more than just a wish.
Si el tiempo pasa y sientes que tus objetivos y suenos no llegan entonces este taller es perfecto para ti. A través de este taller en línea de 60min, aprenderans diversas tecnicas para crear objetivos poderosos que logras cumplir
This program is perfect if you are new to life coaching or you are looking to make a significant change in your life. It will help you build the foundation on which you can thrive.
This program is highly recommended if you:
Want to change but are not sure how
Want to uncover and define your goals
Need help getting unstuck
Feel lost on what's next in your life
Want to get back on track
Want to make long-lasting changes in your life
Twelve x 45min One-on-one Sessions during a 3 month period
(4 sessions x month) + Email support
Research has found that it takes an average of 60 - 90 days to change a behavior and achieve long-lasting results.
Through our one-on-one sessions, you can expect to experience relief, clarity, focus, support, confidence, and end with clear goals and next steps.
I will also share with you different tools and growth strategies that will help you during your journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
In addition, you will have free email support and check-ins for the duration of the program to help you stay on track.
$560/month (3 months - 12 sessions)
Need a different payment plan? Send me an email and we can work it out.
Register & purchase the Stepping Stones Program.
You'll receive a welcome email with information and a link to book your first session

You are right for this program if you have life goals and just need help fine tuning the path, or need some guidance to overcome a specific situation.
This program is highly recommended if you:
Want to fine-tune your path in life
Need help in removing barriers or obstacles
Have life goals but need help crafting a roadmap.
Need help building your self-confidence
Are going through a transition period and need some support
Four x 45min One-on-one Sessions during a 1 month period
+ Email support
If you need help to get back on track or need support to overcome certain obstacles this program is right for you.
Through our one-on-one sessions, you can expect the support, guidance, and advice you need to return to the life you want to live.
I will get you refocused and provide the motivation you need to move forward.
In addition, you will have free email support and check-ins for the duration of the program to help you stay on track.
$560 (4 sessions)
Need a different payment plan? Send me an email and we can work it out.
Register & purchase the Booster Program.
You'll receive a welcome email with information and a link to book your first session

June 21, 2019. 10:00 am EST
Raffa Yoga - Cranston, RI
This program is perfect if you are stuck in your career, are planning a career shift, or have lost your job and need help building a new career blueprint for success.
This program is highly recommended if you:
Don't have clear short & long-term goals
Need help getting unstuck
Have lost your job and need help defining what's next in your life
Are not happy with your current career path and would like to explore a change but are not sure how.
Twelve x 45min One-on-one Sessions during a 3 month period
(4 sessions x month) + Email support
Through our one-on-one sessions, you can expect to experience relief, clarity, focus, support, confidence, and end with clear goals and a roadmap to build the career you want.
I will also share with you the process and mindset to make smart professional decisions and find your unique professional value.
In addition, you will have free email support and check-ins for the duration of the program to help you stay on track.
$600/month (3months - 12 sessions)
Need a different payment plan? Send me an email and we can work it out.
Register & purchase the Career Blueprint Program.
You'll receive a welcome email with information and a link to book your first session

You are right for this program if you are content with your professional career but need help boosting your growth or need support to overcome specific obstacles.
This program is highly recommended if you:
Want to establish an actionable development plan to boost your career
Need help strengthening managerial skillsets
Have established goals but need help developing a roadmap to accomplish your objectives.
Need help removing barriers or obstacles.
Four x 45min One-on-one Sessions during a 1 month period
+ Email support
If you need help to boost your career or need support to overcome certain obstacles this program is right for you.
Through our one-on-one sessions, you can expect the support, guidance, and advice you need to get your career back on track.
I will get you refocused and provide the tools and strategies you need to move forward.
In addition, you will have free email support and check-ins for the duration of the program to help you stay on track.
$150/session (4 sessions)
Need a different payment plan? Send me an email and we can work it out.
Register & purchase the Career Accelerator Program.
You'll receive a welcome email with information and a link to book your first session